My Last Prayer

3 min readApr 8, 2024


May God give me the strength, wisdom and intelligence to pull this off. Rosa is a company that will truly make the world a better place, this is not marketing speech. While we do have a trillion-dollar mining opportunity in front of us, the opportunity to develop communities, fight corruption, change the face of the mining industry and save the planet cannot be quantified. Our work’s ripple effect will last generations if only we can pull this first deal.

I left Canada on June 11th, 2023, a trip that changed me so much that I’d rather kill myself than return to where I used to be. The guy who left Ottawa on June 11th died months ago. The man writing this piece is different; his ability and willingness to walk through fire is scary and impressive- I’m a fan!

I don’t feel like writing right now; I’m writing because I’m stressed as fuck, I’m micromanaging our first deal, and everything that is not under my control stresses the hell out of me. I’m still waiting on documents from left and right, and I fucking hate waiting. I feel rage and sadness when things don’t go our way. We’re so close to living a completely different life, to changing our lives and the lives of our loved ones, that the idea that some strangers can ruin our plans and future doesn’t sit well with me.

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.

Saint Augustine

The last time I truly prayed, I told God that if he truly exists, he needs to help me devote the rest of my life to making the world a better place. I’m already doing it; we have a couple more barriers to jump before celebrating our first win. I don’t know why I feel this stressed; I’m just supposed to be waiting for some documents, but I’ve received so much bad news over the last few months that now waiting 15 minutes makes me paranoid. I just woke up from yet another short nap, I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep at night. This will create a vicious cycle, but at least I’ll work on my laptop to clarify the vision and do more customer outreaches.

I know we’ll make it; now it’s a matter of when. I am the founder and CEO, and I must get it done. Micromanaging the first deal was never part of the plan, but it is what the situation requires. I embrace it; the other deals will be way different.

The one thing that keeps me excited is that every challenge we face is new. It’s a sign of progress. I’m pretty sure our morals would be low if we were still dealing with whatever we dealt with in January. And I can’t wait to deal with bigger challenges; solving problems is also therapeutic; it’s art. It’s just painful at the moment, excruciating at times.

Writing makes me feel less stressed; maybe I should write more often. This year’s yearly birthday piece should feature a Ned who has cracked the code, is financially stable, physically fit and has a thriving company. I have less than a month to make it happen; Deal 1 has to close.

May God be with Rosa, May God be with me.


I write about my experiences, entrepreneurship and stoicism on medium, and tweet at @NedNadima.




Written by Ned

Founder, CEO at Rosa Ventures

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